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Palestinian designed Art 

Is Mohammad in the Bible?

Shocking Truth - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

is mentioned by name in the Bible!

- What is Islam?


 - Myths and Facts about Muslim People and Islam

- Why Islam ?

* Al-Aqsa Mosque: Five things you should know:

* The hardline Israelis stoking violence in East Jerusalem :

* Sheikh Jarrah residents speak out on Israel’s forced expulsions :

I'm Not A Terrorist

Who controlles the world?  To US Secretary of State Blinken, and to Foreign Ministers, Parliamentarians, and Heads of State worldwide: ​ The treatment of the Palestinian people has become a stain on the conscience of the world. It is time for the world to stand up and act, to bring sanctions on key Israeli industries until Palestinians are granted All civil rights. We appeal to you for moral leadership and action to save lives.

Freedom For Palestine

I'm NOT A TERRORIST; Standing Up For our rights to end illegal Occupation!
- Resisting Occupation -

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